Monday, July 26, 2010

Nerd in the making.

There are so much to learn. though I am back in Solid State Physics again, doing OLED again but there are really so much new thing to learn. Dahulu adalah teori, sekarang adalah eksperimental. Teori memang memecahkan kepala. Tapi eksperimen pun tak kurang juga pecah kepala memikir reason kenapa eksperimen tak berapa nak berjaya..Cuma, yelah at least experimental ada juga lah result nyer.

CEM0.5MK (coumarin) thin film under UV light. Photoluminescent!

Currently I'm working on some coumarins synthesized by a group from Politeknik kat Poland; Politechnika Krakowska..they all (coumarins) are CEMMK. Done UV-Vis, photoluminescence analysis, and IVL..all basics. But I still could not get clearer idea on the device; the theories esp..single layer/multilayer, homo-lumo, doped/dopant, p-type, n-type, etc etc...they are tangled up here in my head.

OLED basic structure

I need to be more organized. Prioritize prioritize..Ops sebelum terlupa, report bebudak pasum dah mark? keh3...see.. i need to be more organized please!!

May end up like this if the procrastination continues..haha :P

p.s : pada geng2 organic; solar cell & OLED, redho jela ek aku berpoyo ngan gambo sampel aku...hihihi


syada ahmad said...

haihh..di saat2 genting, senior2 yg helpful sgt membantu..
(meratapi naseb diri..T_T)

Anonymous said... kagum ngan projek kamu dik hajar...berusaha laaaaaa

Hajar B said...

huhu, tenang dot..u'll get tru. kamu lah nanti yg kene jadi senior nye..hehe :P

kak liza, jgn kagum dlu..xde mende lagi nih...huhuhu