Suke lak layan tag skang nih..(bosan lah tu)
1. What have you been doing recently? Melayan video video klip bagus.
2. Do you ever turn your cellphone off? yes..emm no emm tak hengat.macam sarah gak, byk terpadam sendiri la.
3. What happened at 10 am today? at plus minus 10am, I was setting up my solatron and chamber for conductivity measurement.. bagi jawapan skemm sket
4. When did you last cry? Few weeks before, recently meme aku da jadi pelecer, cepat touching..ahh dah tak macho dah
5. Believe in fate/destiny? Fate or destiny? hmm banyak case percaya ada yang rasa, kebetulan je tu..
6. What do you want in your life now? More money..ahhah.Aku mahu bermalas malasan! sampai lebam dan jadi sampah..seriously, itu mmg cita2 terbesar aku..
7. Do you carry an umbrella when it rains or just put up your hood? Of course i carry an umbrella..setiap kali diluar.
8. What’s your favourite thing to do on the bed? Tidur dengan postur sempurna dan terselesa..sambil menggoyang2 kaki.
9. What bottoms are you wearing now? seluar checkers always
10. What’s the nicest thing in your inbox? a text from Isil Turkmen invited me n frens to her house for buka puasa.
11. Do you tend to make the relationship complicated? Oh no.."simple people~", gaya si Muhaimin adikku.
12. Are you wearing anything borrowed from anyone? No..i think..oh pagi tadi pake sandal skarang tidak, baju curi dari Naim je.
13. What was the last movie you caught? Confession of shopaholic kot..wolverine kot..
14. What are you proud of? My good life..selesa.tak hebat, tak teruk.
15. What does the oldest text message in your inbox say? "makan le kek hari jadi nih" dari bapak sambil mengantar gambar kek hari guru..(ni masa ayah kat grik lagi)..oh no, mms nama nye tu..ala kire message la tu.
16. What was the last song you sang out loud? kejap tadi aku nyanyi lagu Diam Tanpa Kata dan Ima Made Nando Mo
17. Do you have any nicknames? biasa biasa aja dong, kakct..kak titi..aja..kakak..budak huduh..budak comel.
18. What does the newest text say? "Tolong orderkan roti sardin n teh o ais,thanx!" from Wani Sudirman
19. What time did you go to bed last night? about 1 am.
20. Are you currently happy? happy je.
21. Who gives you the best advise? mak, sarah aisyah, wani sudirman, jijah mahani
23. Who did you talk on the phone last night? mak.
24. Is something bugging you now? mark reports, lipat kain, study..oh!
25. Who was the last person to make you laugh? kawan kawan..awien selalu nye.haha!
26. Choose your lucky friends and tag them. jijah, timah, wani, sapo lagi?