Sunday, May 01, 2011

We are different. but happy ;)

Kejadian manusia setiap satu nya berbeza.
Perbezaan membuat dunia ini sempurna dan indah.
Aku selalu ingat pesan ustaz aku masa form 4, Ustaz Husin..

"Manusia dilahirkan berbeza-beza untuk saling bermesyuarah."

So, chill peeps if u meet bunch of people that u think are weirdoss..coz they might think the same toward you. haha. Itulah, selagi kita tak memahami dan menerima satu sama lain..perbezaan kita hanya mengundang persengketaan. So be positive. Tak kenal maka tak cinta ;)

Ada satu lagu, 

"Why am I making this hard on myself
When there’s so many beautiful reasons I have to be happy"
-Natasha Bedingfield's Happy

Let's be happy peeps~

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