Friday, December 05, 2008

Teringat satu sms aku baca kat enset mak aku...

What ails the modern man?

A sage then answer,
"They lose their health chasing money, then lose their money restore their health,by thinking materially about their future, they forget the present. such that they live neither for present nor for future.They live as they will never and they die as they never live"

bawak2 le pikir..
kadang2 terkena, kadang2 tak..kadang2 mungkin akan.

teringat pule tagline cikgu rodi;kawan bapak aku
"Dunie semue tu.."**loghat perak tengah diperlukan disini**
Ade betul nye jugak.
Kadang2 ralit sangat kejor dunia, manusia ni lupe pulak ade alam lain pulak lepas nih..

dan satu manusia tu adalah aku.

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